Hearing from my friend
The other day, I started to think intently about one of our very close family friends in Japan.
So, I asked my parents to see how he was doing.
They told me that he had been ill for some time.
Upon hearing the news, I felt terribly sad and had a strong desire to go visit him at the hospital.
But then I felt that that it wasn’t the right time for me to do so.
At that very moment, our phone rang.
We then were informed that our friend had transitioned to the spirit world.
Upon hearing the news, my mom told me that her hair stood on end.
She started crying.
My dad was crying,
We all cried.
The very next day, we attended our friend’s funeral.
It really was a beautiful one.
It stirred up many fun memories we shared together.
He was always welcoming, smiling, curious, and full of life…
He was a very successful business man, great father, and fun grandpa to his grandchildren who loved playing golf!
…that’s how I remember him.
His passing made me think about my life…
…and how I would want to be remembered by others at the end of my life.
How do you want to be remembered by your family and friends?
Do you want to be remembered as a welcoming, smiling, and kind person?
Or, do you want to be remembered as a grouchy, unfriendly, and unkind person?
You might say, “I don’t care!”
That’s no problem.
Either way, at the end of our life, we each get to find out how others thought about us…
…and how our life impacted others.
The truth is…
..it’s not that I was thinking about my friend, but he came so close to me that I had to talk about him.
He came to let my family know that he had peacefully transitioned into the spirit world.
I’m sure that he enjoyed listening into us talking about how we thought of him…
… and how he impacted my family in a positive way.
Each and every moment, we are given an opportunity to create a legacy in our own way.
A legacy doesn’t have to be something fancy.
It can be as simple as acknowledging other’s presence and being kind to others.
I would want my legacy to be that I was a great daughter, mother, and friend.
Warmest aloha,