Reiki Hawaii
Free Online Reiki Training - First Degree Reiki and Self Healing
Lesson 7: Reiki for Treating Family and Friends
Once you’ve done a little bit of practice on yourself and begun to familiarize yourself with the correct Reiki healing hand positions, you may want to start moving forward and using Reiki to heal others. One important thing for you to know is that healing Reiki for others is a little bit different than it would be healing yourself. You have only had to listen to the intuition of yourself thus far, and have been able to take advantage of feeling the comfort of your own body during hand positions. You are so familiar with your own touch that the stress of feeling someone else’s may not have been something you took into consideration for. Taking specific measures of hygiene may also not have been at the forefront of your mind, as you probably trust yourself to be clean and don’t mind your own germs. However, you must take these and other factors into account when you go on to healing others.
Creating the right atmosphere will also be crucial, as well as making sure there is a certain level of comfort. We’ll start with the preparation you will want to take, and then we will delve right into what it takes to become a Reiki healer for people other than just yourself.
Let’s talk about setting the stage for a great healing experience that both you and your friends and family can appreciate. The first thing we discussed was creating a nice environment, and you would do well to think about the suggestions posed in the previous chapter. Remember, Reiki works to calm the spirit, and by calming the spirit and body through the senses, you can’t go wrong. Cleanliness is also of utmost importance, so make sure the area you use for healing is clean.
If you want to have someone use a spare bed in a spare room for healing, feel free. You may also use a therapy table or solid table with cloth used on top as a comfortable barrier. Using pillows for the head and feet should also be done, as this will make for the most comfortable positions. This process should take place in a calm, bright, and happy room. You might want to add a plant or simple decorations to your area in order for it to look inviting and open.
Take Precaution
The first thing you’ll want to do before you even invite a person into your home or office to perform the healing methods, is to remove any rings or stones from your hands. Not only does this make for a distraction from body to body contact, but it is also said that these pieces of jewelry disrupt the flow of energy. Additionally, some made of metal may hold onto or store negative energy in the environment, which you don’t want to be transferring to others or transferring to yourself. If a client comes in with a collection of negative energy that they are seeking to release, the energy could flow out of them and either into the atmosphere, or into you. The goal is to prevent this from happening, and to simply unlock the special powers of Reiki so that they may combat negative forces and induce healing.
Also be sure to remove anything made from a foreign material from your body, such as watches, earrings, and necklaces. Try to make sure there is nothing on your natural skin while you begin the healing process. Keep in mind that distractions steal energy away, and jewelry and other bodily decorations definitely make for these kinds of distractions.
Next on the list is comfortable attire. Make sure you wear loose clothing, and ask that your client, family member or friend do the same. Tight clothing should also be avoided. Adding tightening accessories like belts and shoes will trap the flow of energy, when you want it to be free flowing. The same goes for belts on formal attire. Once your client enters the space, have them take off their shoes and other accessories that will condense certain parts of their bodies.
Now it’s time for the discussion about personal hygiene. When working closely with clients in such an intimate setting, especially in one where there will be body-to-body contact, it’s important not only to actually be clean, but to appear clean as well. Keep your hair tidy instead of free flowing and wild. Make sure the scent radiating off of your body and breath smells clean (i.e., avoid eating foods that are processed through your sweat and give off a bad odor). Brushing your teeth is essential. Though your body should be clean, it should also be noted that strong perfumes and aftershaves are ill advised. This follows the assertion that any strong scent that may carry a certain memory or serve as a distraction will disturb the flow of energy and break the focus in the room.
Perhaps the most important things to keep clean for this healing method, and for the peace of mind of the client, are your hands. This is the foremost channel you’ll be using for energy, and they must be clean at all times. Wash your hands with a mild or unscented soap, or one that leaves a fresh scent after the suds have cleared. You may want to do this after your client arrives, so that by witnessing you wash your hands, they will be completely assured that they are being touched with as little foreign germs and bacteria as possible. Considering that your hands will likely be coming in contact with their skin, hair, and face, they will appreciate this enormously. This will alleviate a portion of stress from the client to know that their Reiki healer is clean!
Here it should be reasserted that as a Reiki healer, you must realize that it is not you who is doing the healing. Reiki, and the host of that specific collection of energy, are the ones doing the healing. In other words, it is really your client who is going to be doing the healing on him or herself. Your job is simply to be the channel, or the reference point, where Reiki can flow freely. You are allowing for a point on the body where the energy can be directed towards, and you can help undo the blockages that have formed in the client. For this reason, it is important that you call upon the powers of Reiki to give yourself some self-affirmation, as well as to cleanse the aura of your client. This will smooth out the process.
Preparing Yourself and Your Client
You will want to start by consulting the Higher Powers, and the Reiki healing masters that have come before you, to be present and help you with this process. This is not absolutely necessary, but sometimes paying your respects to the powers that be will bring you a sense of grounding, and can give you a greater connection to the art of Reiki. Why? Because you are, in essence, invoking the help of the masters who were able to truly harness this power, and are inviting the history of the art into your healing space. This may have a profound affect on the calm strength of the healing energies, considering all that has come before the moment you are healing your client. This also functions to put the focus on the energy itself, not on you as the healer, which some practitioners may make the mistake of doing.
Again, though this is not necessary, you should try to ask God and the Reiki healers for their wisdom and guidance. See what feels natural and right to you. You may want to pick your own words or statement to utter out loud, or to speak in your mind so that only you and the spirits can hear. You decide what the best way to mentally prepare yourself for this process could be. Feel free to consult any of the figures from the religion of your choice, and be sure to make your statement respectful and firm. Humble yourself and ask the Divine spirit to give you the skill to heal others.
Make sure you leave adequate time for to mentally prepare yourself for your healing appointment. This should be done only when you have your area set up, and the entire space is ready for healing to take place if the client were to walk through the door. This removes the chances for distraction or forgetfulness of the proper set-up, and makes for a more seamless transition to the healing table. Once your client walks in the door and sees you calm and ready to begin, they will be relieved, as well as feel a trust for your skill.
Just before you actually perform the healing hand positions, you will need to pay special attention to the aura of your client. The aura is the general sense of energy around your client, and encompasses a small area around them. This is where energy can build up, and that energy can be either positive or negative. Your job is to neutralize this before you begin so your Reiki healing will go as smoothly as possible without road bumps. To cleanse the aura, have your client lie down on the table where you will be doing the healing. Take your hands and hold them about six inches over their body, starting at the top of the head at the Crown Chakra. Slowly running down the length of their body, hands still suspended a few inches above the body, you will be cleansing the mass of energy around them. Do this three times. The reason to do it slowly is that you might be able to sense problem areas, or areas that are particularly tight or tense. Run your hands over these spots and keep your focus to untangle the built-up energy. Once you feel the aura is appropriately cleaned, you can finally begin the treatment.
Treating Your Family, Friends, and Others
One of the most important and initial things you’ll want to do at the start of any treatment with a new client is to EXPLAIN what you will be doing, in detail. Many people go into Reiki treatments without doing any research, and so have no idea what to expect. There are many people that become nervous or anxious at the touch of another person’s hands, especially those of a stranger. This could come from a general sense of anxiety or from a bad experience in the past. The irony of this is that your Reiki healing techniques can help cure these anxieties and help the client better make peace with a bad memory. However, you must get the client comfortable enough to accept the help first, or they will never know the benefits!
For some clients, even the act of undoing a tie or taking off their shoes can be a bit stressful. Make it very clear to the client that they are in complete control at all times of what happens, and that though they are encouraged to relax and just let the healing take place, that they can stop at any time if they wish. Sometimes just knowing that you understand their anxiety will eliminate the worry and relieve them.
Also be sure, especially for new clients, to assure them that feeling a cold sensation from your hands, or the shock of that cold, is normal. They may experience a number of symptoms that shouldn’t be cause for worry either, like a rise in body temperature, involuntary movements or twitches, drowsiness, stomach growling, or numbness. These are all normal, and you should encourage the client to allow it to pass if they feel any of these things and not to be alarmed.
Now, here’s another aspect to consider. You are going into Reiki healing knowing all of the information at hand for the first level of training. So, this means you know a lot about the art of Reiki and its origins, and you also know that many of the workings and results happen inside the body, through energy, unseen. Though you are performing and believing 100% in what you’re doing, the client may be less amenable to it.
Assure the client, even if they don’t ask, that Reiki is a subtle art that heals on its own. The change should be immediate for the individual being healed, but will have the strongest effect if the client is open to the idea. Be sure to inform them about Reiki if they seem skeptical, and encourage them to do some research of their own, or recommend this book. Be very open about your belief in the Divine and the strong connection we all have to the energy within us, but also do not spend the entire session trying to teach them all about Reiki. Give them enough information for Reiki healing to make sense, and pique their curiosity, so that they may do some discovering on their own once they leave your office or home.
Now you are ready to begin the process.
The position you’ll want your client to take is one laying flat on the table with their arms at their sides. Keep their appendages lying flat against the table, with nothing raised or bent. Make sure you’ve washed your hands, and that they have removed shoes, belts, and ties (and that you have removed jewelry as well).
All healing done on family, friends and other clients should begin with a full body treatment, even if there are specific areas that need work. Focusing on the entire person rather than just the symptoms is the best way to heal what is ailing the person. Remember that energy flows through our chakras, and us, and that a fully open and flowing channel is what is needed for the energy to get where it’s needed to go when a problem arises. This is why we sometimes focus on certain areas - there can be blockages we don’t notice, that are “blocking” the energy flow to important areas. If we focus on simply one area, this can work to be beneficial, but will frustrate us if it does not solve the problem. There could also be more than one area close to the one you’re working on that needs a hand channeling healer’s attention. A full body treatment will bypass all of this, and not only be sure to pass over the area that is tight, blocked or feeling pain at least once, but it will also facilitate the flow of the energy through the body once it is able to pass through the problem area.
Start with the hand position at the top of the head, at the Crown Chakra, and move your way down the body using each hand position in Lesson 5 as you go. It is advisable to keep your hands in these positions on your client’s body for at least three minutes and up to five. Remember, it’s more important to listen to your intuition about how long to stay in each position. If you’re still trying to work out the kinks of feeling what needs most attention, and tuning yourself into what your gut is saying, then simply stick with the three to five minute rule, and you will do just fine. Remember, the healing is taking place by the client within the client, you are not doing the healing; you are simply the channel!
Make sure you have taken a look over the major organs, and the components of the lymphatic system. Make sure the hand positions you are using cover all these areas, as they will increase the health of your client if the Reiki energy is directed through them. Afterward, you may want to focus on certain areas that you found to be tight or blocked or especially achy, if you were able to locate them on the individual’s body. The extra acknowledgement, once energy can flow freely, will have an instant impact on the affected area.
There are also some sensitive areas you will want to look out for and be careful to treat when working on your clients. Some may have burnt or scarred skin that will hurt if touched, so instead of holding the hand positions on these areas, you will want to proceed like you did during the aura-cleansing process, and hold your hands slightly above their body. In doing this, you are still able to call attention to the area with your hands, and you will be respecting the sensitive area by not touching it. Feeling of extra pain from this type of contact would have disrupted the energy flow.
Another area to be sensitive around are the individual’s breasts and genitals. These are sacred, private areas that you must always be respectful of. In these areas, do not put your hands directly on the body, but suspend your hands over them. The client will appreciate the respect for their body, and there will be no risk of anxiety or panic from a client feeling violated.
Once you have spent sufficient time covering the areas of the body, you will want to assume one final position over your client. This includes placing a hand over the Crown Chakra, once again, and one hand at the base of the spine, to balance out the energy flow and ground the client. You may also choose to comb the aura of your client after they get up from the table. This involves running your hands from the top of their head down to their feet, making a special motion to touch the floor to ground them to the Earth. This is your choice, but will benefit the client if you choose to do so.
Keep in mind that while you must wash your hands before every treatment, you must also wash your hands AFTER each one. When you have your final client of the day, always wash your hands. Any time you make contact with another being or body, you become affected by their energy. Some of it can latch on to you. You will always want to use cold water to wash your hands after a treatment, as it staves off the negative energy that can build up.
Group Treatment
Once you’ve practiced using Reiki for a healing method, you may find that you are naturally networking with your clients and people they may know. You could talk to someone you perform a healing treatment on who knows other individuals who practice Reiki, or you may have another family member interested in the practice. Or, you may have been exposed to Reiki from someone close to you. What you may want to consider doing, over time, is begin trying group treatments, meaning you along with others can heal clients as a group. There are a number of Reiki masters from the past who have made this an integral part of their studies and healing practices, and it is certainly a benefit not only to the person being healed, but also to the healer.
Firstly, group Reiki treatments truly only take a fraction of the time to complete a full body treatment as the previous methods take. You can perhaps guess why this is. In a group treatment, there are many hands and life energy channels working on the same body, so there is more directive power being used, therefore the Reiki within the individual healed needs less time to work its magic.
Group treatment, in fact, provides quite a boost to the healing process. This acts as an accelerator to the energy flow, and has extremely powerful advantages to the client.
Something to mention now is that though each person can use and channel Reiki, we all also have unique vibrations. Vibrations that ring within us, that we send out into the world, are the frequencies of our energy, and create a manner in which we are able interact with our environment. We are all different, so these frequencies are different. That being said, individuals can sense, though subtly and perhaps subconsciously, the different vibrations of the people around them. This means that they can also sense these differences in different practitioners of Reiki healing. When healing in a group, a unique energy that cannot be duplicated exactly with a different group of people.
Group Reiki treatments are very similar to one-on-one treatments, and all of the preparation you take before one, you must take before the other. The only difference here is that for group treatments, each person should be in charge of certain hand positions over the chakras. The person who stands and works at the head, at the Crown Chakra, will be the coordinator and leader of the healing session. The two positions done for group treatments are the front positions and the back position.
Front Position
Have the client lay on their back. One healer will stand behind the head, and gently cover the eyes. A second healer will use their hands on the Heart Chakra. A third healer will place one hand on the Solar Plexus/Sacral Chakra and one hand on the client’s knee. A fourth healer will stand at the feet of the client, placing their hands atop each foot.
If you are using less than four healers, you may have one or two of them perform more than one of the hand positions. If using more than four healers, you may add hand positions you deem necessary. If using only two healers, you can move through the hand positions one right after the other.
Back Position
Have the client lay on their stomach. One healer will place their hands over the eyes while the client is face down. A second healer will place his or her hands on the client’s back, between the shoulder blades. A third healer will use the hand position on the lower back/coccyx area, where the Root Chakra would correlate on the front of the body. Lastly, a fourth healer will place each hand on the sole of each of the client’s feet.
If you are using less than four healers, you may have one or two of them perform more than one of the hand positions. If using more than four healers, you may add hand positions you deem necessary. If using only two healers, you can move through the hand positions one right after the other.
Group Treatment As A Learning Experience
There should be one practitioner present at the head, and one at the foot, of the client when performing a group treatment. The other healers should stand at the side of the client when using their healing hand positions. Also remember to dictate who will do what hand positions before the session starts, especially with more than four people, so that the session goes smoothly. These sessions, with so many hand positions being used to heal at once, may only take up to ten minutes to complete.
When finished with the session, make sure one of the healers cleanses or combs the client’s aura. Here it may also be advisable to offer the client a glass of water to replenish him or herself with the energy of nature, and to help with grounding once the session has been completed.
Group Reiki treatment is an excellent and beneficial way to further your skills and to grow your knowledge of treatment as a whole. Doing so with others who are connected to the energy will also build your energy levels, and will bring a deeper spiritual understanding to how this universal energy can improve the lives of those around you. Group treatment as a healer is something all aspiring Reiki healers should try at least once!
Lesson 2: The Origin and History of Reiki
Lesson 3: The Reiki Principles
Lesson 5: The Hand Positions for Reiki Treatment
Lesson 6: Reiki For Self-Healing
Lesson 7: Reiki For Treating Family and Friends
Lesson 9: Reiki for Mothers and Children
Lesson 10: The Ultradian Rhythm and How To Use It
Lesson 11: The Comforting Powers of Reiki
Lesson 12: In Closing: Ending the First Level of Reiki Training