Reiki Hawaii
Free Online Reiki Training - First Degree Reiki and Self Healing
Lesson 4: Reiki and Chakras
Chakras are the energy centers of the body. As stated before, Reiki is an innate part of our genetic code and our human nature; our will to live is strong, and our desire to thrive and reach success is undeniable. This fuels our energy, allows us to grow and heal, and is ultimately its ability to flow freely within us without interruption is what keeps us alive.
Now, think about that for a moment. Think of all of the areas of our lives that need to be taken care of in order for us to function and to be happy. Well, there’s our physical body. We know that we have to stay active to keep our blood flowing, our body growing energetic rather than growing last, and we need to have access to nourishing food. There’s also our mind. We need to able to have fun, we need to feel connected to other humans by being social, by listening, and being heard, and we also need some spiritual peace by having some down time.
That’s a lot to consider!
As you know, modern day Western life has made the “free flowing” nature of our energy quite a task. We are bombarded with many distractions that demand our attention, taking the focus away from our core, inner being. Daily worries, stresses and time crunches truly affect how we support ourselves with our inner energy, and the effect is negative. Different parts of our body and different areas of our mind ache at different times, depending on what we focus on and what we choose to neglect.
This is why the Reiki within us is divided into energy centers, the resources for the parts of our spirits and our bodies to stay energetic and to be healthy. These centers dictate what parts of our spirit and mind are connected to which parts of our bodies, and how these correlations can help us dismantle any blockages that might be preventing us from reaching true peace.
There are 7 major Chakras that are labeled to our body parts that correlate with our spiritual needs. They are as follows:
Chakras begin from the Crown Chakra, which is at the top of the head, all the way down to the Root Chakra, positioned at the genitals, which would also be at the exit of your body on your bottom as you sit on the floor. Here we will give you a brief overview of what each chakra’s energy sources contribute to when it comes to your physical body and spiritual health:
The Crown Chakra: Represents spiritual connection to God and the Divine, enlightenment, your intuition, and spiritual connectivity. Supplies energy to the upper brain and the right eye.
The Third Eye Chakra: This represents one’s “psychic” ability, or extra sensory perception (ESP), which is your ability to sense things and read your surroundings. This chakra gives energy to the spine, lower brain, left eye, pituitary gland, central nervous system, nose, and ears.
The Throat Chakra: signifies expression, communication, and creativity. Provides energy to the throat, thyroid gland, arms and upper digestive tract.
The Heart Chakra: is representative of love, devotion, emotions, compassion, and spiritual growth. Supplies energy to the heart, liver, lungs, and circulatory system.
The Solar Plexus Chakra: Positioned at the center of the body, this is the energy center that signifies the flow of energy, symbolically where food is turned to energy and sent out to the rest of the body. This powers our emotion, stomach, digestion, gall bladder and pancreas.
The Splenic/Sacral Chakra: Representative of sexual energy, the first impressions we get from outsiders, and our ability to perceive our surroundings and interpret them. This brings energy to the reproductive system and the legs and feet.
The Root Chakra: Representative of birth, creation, physical enthusiasm, and life itself. This is sometimes referred to as the Earth Chakra, as it keeps us connected to the Earth, which sustains and gives us physical life once we are born. Much like with a plant, the “root” chakra keeps us “grounded.” Energy from this chakra goes to the kidneys, bladder, bottom of the spine, and suprarenal glands.
It’s very important to understand which Chakras correspond to what emotional and spiritual needs. This offers invaluable insight because not only will you know the physical areas to focus on when you begin your healing, but by simply addressing what parts of your body aches or has difficulty being at rest without any thoughts to prompt it, you may unlock an underlying psychological or spiritual problem that has been ailing without even realizing it. In other words, you may notice a persistent sore throat or an ache in your stomach. You may think this is a physical ailment alone, but if the problem continues or becomes more complicated even when you make healthy physical changes, you may (upon further self-reflection) discover that, since this area corresponds to the Throat Chakra, which supplies your emotional expression and communication, that you are struggling with a blocked emotion or feel you are not being heard. It’s amazing that, once you are attuned to the energy centers or chakras of the body, how much you will learn about what affects you!
The Body and Corresponding Systems
The Chakras are indicative of what ailments originate in what places of our physical form: our bodies. Though medical and anatomical knowledge is not required to successfully use Reiki as a healing mechanism, it does make for an advantage. Think of the major organs and the body systems that affect our physical and emotional functions: the lymphatic and endocrine systems.
The lymphatic system is responsible for carrying blood through our system, making sure it passes through our veins to supply oxygen to our organs, allowing them to work. It is the powerhouse of the physical body. Alternately, the endocrine system is what regulates the release of hormones. This system is what manages our emotions.
Knowledge of these three key areas of our bodies will open up the door for a deeper understanding of how Reiki works once it is transferred from body to body for healing, and also how it works when it flows within is. A knowledge of what aches and pains come from where, keeping the different chakras in mind, may also give you a bit more skill when practicing your own healing methods, whether on yourself or on others.
To give you a head start, in this section, we will close with a brief overview of the major organs of the body and the workings of both the lymphatic and endocrine systems.
Major Organs
In the diagram below, the major organs of the body are highlighted. This is a very simplified anatomical drawing of the organs, and functions to show you where in the body they are placed. Keep this in mind when contemplating where each chakra is located on the body, and in the coming chapters, use it to decide the best hand positions to use when seeking to heal.
Lymphatic System
A system of tubes that snakes its way through the body much like veins and arteries is what makes up the lymphatic system. Instead of circulating blood through the organs of the body, the lymphatic system is used to transport lymph, a whitish colored liquid made up of white blood cells, through the tubes.
The white blood cells traveling through the lymphatic system are called lymphocytes in addition to proteins and fats. Lymphocytes are absorbed and transported back into the bloodstream, but linger in the areas of body tissues in between organs for storage, in places and areas called lymph nodes. Through the process of circulating this substance full of white blood cells, being filtered in and out of blood through the circulatory system, debris from cellular breakdown and certain bacteria are destroyed and eliminated from the body. The largest collection of lymphatic tissue in the body can be recognized as the organ the spleen. This is why the lymphatic system is so crucial to our immune system: it is the physical mechanism through which we fight disease, keep good proteins and bacteria within us, and stay healthy. In other words, it is through these components and processes that we are, physically, able to heal our own bodies.
The lymphatic system and the lymphocytes work very closely with the body’s blood. Where there are blood vessels, you will be sure to find lymphatic vessels. Lymph nodes, which are the collection of structures along lymph vessels, which are distributed in certain areas about the body (like the armpits, groin area, and neck), act as a wall of protection against infection. By filtering out the toxins that accumulate through our natural body functions, this system helps us stave off harmful infection-causing bacteria and parasites.
The most active structures used during the activities of the lymphatic system are the lymph nodes, the spleen, the lymph ducts, and the thymus. Together with two main tube systems, the lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct, this system is able to drain out our entire body of toxins and waste that can accumulate and cause infections and disease within us. It is crucial that we have a functioning lymphatic system to keep us healthy.
Endocrine System
The endocrine system of the body is made up of ductless glands, which send out hormones. In correlation with nervous system, our glands and hormone releases work together to achieve homeostasis, which literally means “balance.” Remember how Reiki functions to restore this balance to our spirit.
Let’s take a look at the foremost components of this body system, which are primarily glands:
Pituitary Gland: The function of this gland is imperative for a person’s overall wellness and is located in the brain. It is responsible for producing the Growth hormone that maintains muscle and bone strength, Prolactin, Adrenocorticotropic to reduce stress and maintain blood pressure, Thyroid-stimulating hormone, Oxytocin, and hormones that regulate estrogen and testosterone.
Hypothalamus: Also located in the brain, this gland supports the pituitary gland by releasing the previously mentioned hormones when necessary.
Thyroid Glands: Located in the front of the neck, this gland regulates metabolism and our ability to digest and process the energy that comes from our food.
Parathyroid Gland: Promotes proper bone development by controlling calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. These are four small glands located behind the Thyroid.
Adrenal Glands: Found in the kidneys. These glands support cardiovascular functions and gastrointestinal functions. They also utilize the body’s supply of carbohydrates and fats as well as distributing fat that’s already stored.
Pancreas: This gland, located in the abdomen, regulates blood sugar levels.
Testes and Ovaries/Sex Glands: Produces testosterone if in the testes, and estrogen as well as progestin in the ovaries. These are located either in the genital region in men or in the pelvic area of women.
The hormones secreted and released by these glands all have a specific purpose, and work together to maintain a balance in the body on a physical level. If any of these glands do not perform their function or are impaired, causing distress or illness in a person, these will be the areas that Reiki will seek out to heal.
This section will be a helpful one to consult when considering the parts and functions of the body. Though this is a brief outline, the main importance of this chapter is to familiarize you with the inner workings of the physical body, not just the inner workings of the spirit. The two are inextricably linked, tangled together to make a whole, highly functional human being. They must work together to be happy and at peace, even in times of sickness or emotional stress. It is important to remember this as you move and finally begin to learn about self-treatment Reiki and Reiki as a treatment for others.

Lesson 2: The Origin and History of Reiki
Lesson 3: The Reiki Principles
Lesson 5: The Hand Positions for Reiki Treatment
Lesson 6: Reiki For Self-Healing
Lesson 7: Reiki For Treating Family and Friends
Lesson 9: Reiki for Mothers and Children
Lesson 10: The Ultradian Rhythm and How To Use It
Lesson 11: The Comforting Powers of Reiki
Lesson 12: In Closing: Ending the First Level of Reiki Training