Dreams and Visions of The Dying
Have you ever witnessed your loved one, prior to their moving into the spirit world, having a conversation with “invisible” people? My...

Inspiration Corner When we combine clarity, commitment, and faith with action, miracles happen. ~ Yoshie #weeklyinspiration #inspiration...

Destined to Blossom
Every seed of desire contains within a destiny to blossom. ~ Yoshie Miakoda #spirituality #weeklyinspiration #inspiration #Empowerment...

Messages from Spirits - 3 Things Your Loved Ones May Want You to Know...
Dealing with the loss of someone dear to our heart is truly difficult and painful. In this episode, I’ll talk about 3 things that your...

Inspiration Corner: Forgiveness
Every person we encounter holds aspects of us and offers a window to what is within us. If we are honest enough and patient enough to...

20 Years and Moving Forward...
This year will mark the 21th year since I came to the beautiful island of Oahu with a single backpack. My backpack, which had been my...

Inspiration Corner
You may be feeling that you are still not ready to do that very thing that you’ve been wanting to do for many years. Do not hold back and...

Scientifically Tested and Proven Ways to Be Happy
Have you ever wondered what determines the level of your happiness? Is it the relationships? Your level of professional success? The...

No Accidents in Nature
Here is another interesting answer to the question below. Question: " Do you believe that there are no accidents in Nature?" Is...

Breathe... Give yourself a deserving break. Breathe in peace, grace, and calmness… and breathe out tension and stress. When you put...