Messages from Spirits - 3 Things Your Loved Ones May Want You to Know...
Dealing with the loss of someone dear to our heart is truly difficult and painful. In this episode, I’ll talk about 3 things that your...

Mind, Reason, Spirit, And Soul.
I love reading old spiritual books and especially one by Andres Jackson Davis, one of the remarkable gifted seers in the past. Below is...

Hearing from my friend
The other day, I started to think intently about one of our very close family friends in Japan. So, I asked my parents to see how he was...

How to Receive A Sign from Angels and Loving Spirits
The Spirit Inspired Life Podcast How to Ask and Receive a Sign from Angels and Spirits – 3 Easy, Sure-fire Steps to Receiving a Sign from...

Podcast: What To Do When You Hear Disturbing Voices
Transcript: What do you need to do when you hear "the voices of spirits" that are very disturbing? Every once in a while I hear people...

Is Mediumship Only Telepathy?
Is Mediumship Only Telepathy? There is much skepticism surrounding mediumship and one of the many comments that can be heard from the...

My Mediumistic Journey
I've decided to post this because I'm often asked by my clients if I was always mediumistic. Growing up in Japan, unlike many psychics...

Spirit and Soul
So many of us use the words, soul and spirit interchangeably and I feel that it’s ok so long as we know what each of them mean in our own...

Ghosts Defined
There are a countless number of people who are terrified by even a thought of ghosts. Some people say they visited haunted houses and saw...